Saint Peter's United Church of Christ
Mission InSite Reports
Your generous gifts to Our Church's Wider Mission enable the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ to offer us demographic reports tailored to our neighborhood. These reports offer us insight that help us plan new outreach efforts.
The Local Church Profile Committee invites you to read these reports to gain a better understanding of the area that immediately surrounds Saint Peter's.
QuickInsite Report
Just as the title promises, this report gathers some important data from the other reports for a quicker, less in-depth read. It's a good place to start.
Executive InSite Report
Data on demographics, beliefs, and practices, with narrative and charts
Full InSite Report
Nine key demographic indicators for our neighborhood, graphs with five-year trends, and data around these themes: people, households, family, diversity, housing, and work
MinistryInsite Report
Our community's beliefs and religious practices, life concerns, reasons for non-participation in religious organizations, and preferred mission programs