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Local Church Profile
Visioning Session Five

What do we know about our neighborhood?


In the coming years, single mother families are expected to grow to represent 28% of the families in our area. Married couple families will decrease slightly but will still be the most common kind of family (65%).


The 65+ age group is the one growing the fastest. By 2032, families with kids, empty nesters, and the 65+ age group will be equally represented in size.


We are growing a little bit more ethnically/racially diverse, and the group that is growing the fastest in our area is Hispanics/Latinos, who will represent 15% of our population by 2027.


The things that concern our neighbors the most are

  • the ongoing impact of Covid

  • social and political tensions/discord

  • health crisis/illness


Facts About Our Neighbors’ Beliefs in God


63% of Americans define themselves as Christians, down from 75% a decade ago and 90% in 1972.


67% of our neighbors are not involved in a religious organization. Here’s what they believe about God, churches, and the people who attend them.




Graphic of neighbors' religious beliefs.

The top three reasons our non-churched neighbors aren’t involved in a congregation are:

  • they feel religion is too focused on money

  • they find that religious people are too judgmental

  • they are disillusioned with religion


The top three reasons that our church-going neighbors are considering leaving their congregation are:

  • a loss of faith in God

  • they didn’t feel welcome

  • the demands of raising their children


What are our neighbors looking for in a church? The larger the words, the more likely each of these ministries will suit our neighborhood.

 Graphic of neighbors' preferences in a worship experience.

Questions to Consider


  • What ministry could serve families of single moms?

  • How can Saint Peter’s help our neighbors who are anxious or worried?

  • How can we invite our neighbors of all ethnicities and races into our lives?

  • Why do you think our neighbors believe that people in the church don't behave as Jesus would, and what can we do to help change that or break that thinking?

  • Which of our blessings (outdoor space, proximity to Wilson High School, lots of members in the helper professions) can we use to serve our neighbors?


Delve deeper into detailed demographics by visiting our MissionInsite reports page.  

Saint Peter's United Church of Christ

2901 Curtis Road, Reading, PA 19609




Office Hours: Tuesdays - Thursdays 9:30 - 2:30

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